Monday, January 31, 2011


The musical comedy-drama TV show, Glee finally comes back next week! This show is about a high school’s glee club, located in Ohio, trying to stay alive and not get kicked out by the cheerleading coach, Sue Sylvester.  Will Schuester is the Spanish teacher at the school. He has always liked to sing and dance like the kids in this glee club.  Throughout the show, Will is passionate about the kid’s talent and wants them to succeed in Sectionals. Sue Sylvester is the coach of the cheerleading squad and does everything in her power to try to kick the glee club out.  Will and Sue are always in a battle.  The kids on the other hand, have problems of their own.  In high school, being in the glee club isn’t really an honor or something to be proud of like when you’re on a varsity team, but every high school student thinks it’s a joke.  The high school students show this by dumping slurpy drinks on the kids from the glee club.  But despite everyone having a negative opinion on this idea, the glee club kids stay in glee club.  They sing and dance to songs that are popular in today’s music, but they make the song their own.  Later, these songs are released on iTunes and are a big hit.  I’ve also like a lot of the songs that came out and if you haven’t heard them, go to iTunes right now.  They have a variety of different genres and songs that everyone will enjoy.  

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